Some injuries equal more compensation than other injuries. This can be based on severity, but it can also be based on other factors that surround the injury. Only a lawyer can really give you a good estimate of what is fair in a specific case.
Using Insurance Guidelines To Estimate Compensation
The tables that insurance companies use to measure their compensation aren’t the same as what a lawyer or a court will use. Insurance tables don’t take into account pain and suffering, negligence, and a lot of other issues that have to be addressed.
Disability Level Matters When Judging Injury Payouts
If you’ve sustained an injury that’s made you permanently disabled, that’s understandably more serious than one that’s only caused you a disability for a set period of time. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be compensated for a short term injury, but keep in mind that you can’t expect as much as you would for a long term or chronic disability.
Talk With Your Lawyer About What Is Fair For Your Injury
Even when you do your own research, it can be hard to tell what’s fair for an injury. Talking with a lawyer can help. Be sure to ask questions and really listen to what your lawyer has to say, so you can make a good decision about pursuing your case.
Depending on how you were injured and how severe that injury is, you might not get any compensation. The amount you might be able to collect could also not be worth pursuing. When you talk with a lawyer, you’re better able to sort these things out and make a choice.